2023-2025 Foundation Board

    Janet Davis, AIWC ColognePresident, Archives Team
    Janet began her expat life the day she was born in Rome, Italy. She grew up in Bethesda, MD and spent her entire life on the East Coast, most recently in upstate New York, before moving to Cologne, Germany in 2010 with her husband, Mark. She joined the AIWC Cologne and six months later became the Secretary and subsequently President, a job she held for six years. Janet attended her first FAWCO conference in Marrakech in 2011. She has served as the FAWCO Foundation's VP of Communications from 2015-2019 and Parliamentarian from 2019-2023.
    Mary Stange, IWC Bogotá, FAUSAVice President of Communications
    Originally from Florida, Mary has spent most of her adult life traveling the world, first as a Flight Officer in the U.S. Navy, then as a family member with the U.S. State Department through which she had the opportunity to live in Armenia, Colombia, and Cyprus, and now as the owner of a boutique travel company. After joining AWC Bogotá in 2018, Mary immediately fell in love with FAWCO and quickly strived to become the club’s Rep. She attended her first conference in Edinburgh in 2019 and has remained active and engaged in FAWCO operations through international moves and the COVID pandemic. She served as FAWCO Social Media Manager from 2019 to 2021 and is a member of the Human Rights Team. She now lives in Maryland with her husband, two children, and pets she's picked up along the way.
    Angie Aebersold, AWC BernVice President of Fundraising
    Angie was born and raised in Albany, Oregon. She has lived in the Bern, Switzerland area for 30 years with her husband Thomas. They have two grown children, one daughter-in-law and three cats. She has always worked in the Service Industry and for the last 12 years for Inforama Rütti the Agriculture School for the Canton of Bern. She joined the American Women’s Club of Bern in 1998 and has held several positions on their board. The most frequent board position has been FAWCO Rep followed by President and Vice-President. She caught the “FAWCO Fever” while attending her first conference in 2005 in Berlin and has attended every conference since. She was the organizer for the 2013 FAWCO Biennial Conference in Bern and has been Registrar for the Symposium and the Biennial Conference in Mumbai. Angie served as VP Programs for The FAWCO Foundation from 2019-2023.
    Christine Riney, AWC Hamburg Vice President of Programs
    Christine was raised in South Florida, USA, and NSW, Australia. In 2000 she moved from Sydney to London to follow her career in telecommunications. Her professional career spanned a variety of positions including marketing, international partnerships as well as serving on the board of an international telecommunications joint venture. With her German husband, she resides in Hamburg where in 2012 she joined AWC Hamburg. After a few years, she decided it was time to get more involved and found FAWCO. As the FAWCO Rep, she attended the 2019 conference in Edinburgh. Over the past years, she has supported the Education Awards selection, was Co-Chair of the FAWCO Health Team from 2020 to 2022, and is also a member of the Environment Team. Christine served as the FAWCO Foundation Board Secretary from 2022-2023.
    Hollie Nielsen, AWC Central ScotlandSecretary
    Hollie grew up on Long Island, New York and finished high school in England. After college in Massachusetts and law school in Philadelphia, she lived in Washington, DC and Dayton, Ohio before moving to the UK in early 1999. She currently lives in Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia and will retire to her home in St Andrews, Scotland in several years. Since the American women’s club in the Eastern Province (AWEP) disbanded in 2020, Hollie became a member of AWCCS (Central Scotland). She got her FAWCO start at the Region 9 meeting in Beirut in 2019 and then the Biennial Conference in Edinburgh that year. She was co-chair of the FAWCO Ed Team from 2019-23. She and her husband have three adult children, two daughters in London and a son in Boston.
    Wendy Leyland, AWC LondonTreasurer
    Wendy worked in Washington, DC as a consultant with KPMG before working on Wall Street with AIG, Inc. in the treasury department. She has an MBA in finance from the NYU Stern School of Business, so finance and operations are her fields of expertise. Wendy jumped off the corporate track after the birth of her two children, then moved to Europe in 2000 for her British-born husband’s career. During 13 years in Paris, Wendy spent her free time in numerous skills-based volunteer activities, including serving as President and Treasurer of AAWE Paris and Finance Chair at FAWCO. In 2016, her family relocated to London where she went back to professional work as a finance manager for a small UK non-profit specializing in leadership development training for leaders in the sector. Since living in the UK, she also has served as Board of Trustees Treasurer for two non-profit organizations – Dress for Success Greater London and Ella’s Home.
    Barbara Bühling, AIWC DüsseldorfParliamentarian, Archives Team
    Barbara was born and raised in New Jersey and is a graduate of Mount Holyoke College and Suffolk Law School. She has lived in Düsseldorf, Germany for over 25 years with her husband, Jochen, and their three children. She has been an active member of the AIWC Düsseldorf since 1993, serving in many capacities including several terms as President. She is proud to have started the Heart2Heart group in her club which continues to make pillows for breast cancer patients. The Bern conference in 2013 was key to Barbara's involvement in FAWCO. It was there that she joined the Silent Auction team which was her introduction into fundraising for The Foundation. Following the Bern conference, Barbara was appointed FAWCO Youth Chair where she served for five years and worked to build up the program. From 2017-2019, she served as The Foundation's VP Fundraising and as Foundation President from 2019-2023.

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