FAWCO Friendship Quilt
From the garden to the sea, the 2025 FAWCO Friendship Quilt theme is...

General Instructions for Quilt Squares
Use 100% cotton fabric, no synthetics or blends. Everything has to stand up to a very hot iron! Do not add beads, buttons or other embellishments that will get in the way of quilting.
Blocks are 6.5” square, unfinished size, unless otherwise specified. (They will finish at 6”.) But be sure to check the current instructions, we have used other sizes in the past.
Cutting instructions for pieced blocks include a scant quarter-inch seam allowance.
It’s nice if you sign your block. After all, this is a friendship quilt! Use your name and/or your club’s name. Do not add a date, there will be a date on the label. Use acid-free archive quality permanent ink such as Pigma Micron pens. You may also embroider your signature. Place the signature where it can be seen, i.e. not on the back or in the seam allowance.
Please respect the deadline. You know the postal situation where you live, so don’t wait until the last minute. Plan to finish construction before September, who needs the stress? If possible, don’t use a commercial carrier that requires a signature on receipt. It’s expensive for you, and annoying if there’s no one home during the day to receive it.
January-February: The Quilt Team meets to discuss next year's quilt and Roberta drafts the instructions. If you have suggestions or something you’ve been wanting to try, this is a good time to contact her (the earlier the better) at quilt@fawcofoundation.org
April: Instructions go out to past participants by email, and they get posted on the Foundation’s website. The Quilt Team sends thanks and a photo of the previous quilt to the list of participants via email after the raffle winner is announced.
April-September: Anyone who wants to contribute a block gets busy stitching, ideally before the end of the summer. Don’t procrastinate!
September 1: Deadline for getting the blocks to Lesley K. Please send Lesley a short email requesting her mailing address and another to let her know that your quilt squares have been posted and are on their way to her at quilts@fawcofoundation.org. You will receive conformation when they have arrived.
September-November: Lesley assembles the blocks, sends the finished top to Roberta, who does the quilting, ideally by around mid-November.
November-December: The quilt is revealed on The FAWCO Foundation website, the FAWCO Foundation Friends closed Facebook group, and on the FAWCO members private Facebook group. Raffle tickets go on sale in February precedding the FAWCO Conference.
March of the following year: The winning ticket is drawn at the FAWCO Conference.